The World’s Highest Paying Gaming Tournaments

The popularity of eSports is growing rapidly, and along with this, the prize pools of the championships are also increasing. After analyzing the most common disciplines of recent years, we have identified the top world’s highest-paying gaming tournaments, as well as the biggest prize pool in esports.

Your guide on the gaming industry

Did you know that the video game industry is bigger and more profitable than the film and music industries combined? This may be hard to believe, but it’s true. Thank you very much for this achievement from eSports. In 2022, the global eSports market generated just over a billion dollars in revenue, and this number was expected to double in just a few years. Most of that weight comes from the top five highest-paying eSports games in the industry, though many other games also contribute.

The world of sports is not only entertainment; it is one of the most profitable industries now. During the pandemic, mobile games were downloaded and, most importantly, bought, even by those who had never been into them before. Friendly gatherings and trips to the cinema have been replaced by online entertainment. And mobile phones were the most affordable of them.

2023 promises to be no less successful for the game development industry. According to forecasts of the analytical company, the number of gamers on all platforms will reach 2.8 billion people (this is almost every third inhabitant of the planet), and the market turnover will be $ 189.3 billion. Virtual worlds imperceptibly become a part of our daily life. Digital avatars of people are born, grow, develop, and make friends, and sometimes families. And all this happens on the screens of our devices.

The list of the best world’s paying gaming tournaments

A few years ago, many had no idea what eSports was. But now there is only talk about this industry, in particular about the money that revolves around it. Of course, the size of the prize money depends entirely on the scale of the tournaments, the popularity of the discipline, and the coolness of the players. However, electronic culture not only duplicates what already exists in other material media but also creates its own special forms, one of which is computer games.

Video games have become an important and popular form of entertainment for many people, and some consoles, in particular, may eventually become a true cultural and sales phenomenon. Now, if you’ve ever wondered what the best-selling video games of all time are, we have followed suit and compiled this list.

Among the world’s highest-paying gaming tournaments are the following:

  1. Dota 2: The International.
  2. Fortnite World Cup Finals.
  3. The Honor of Kings World Champion Cup.
  4. PUBG Global Invitational.
  5. League of Legends 2018 World Championship.
  6. Overwatch League.
  7. Call of Duty League.

There are considerable financial flows in the gaming world, and a significant number of gamers live a virtual life, pouring hundreds of dollars into the development of their online hero. Today, it is extremely difficult to create a unique game regardless of the platform; it requires a full-fledged team of specialists, a creative idea, and a lot of effort. In general, game development is a complex process that begins with an idea and a concept. After discussing the mechanics of the game, the main idea, tasks, levels, and methods of stimulating players, game developers take on the design and software part.