Hackathon Success: Strategies from Winning Teams

Hackathons have become extremely popular. They have long gone beyond the scope of IT and began to be actively used in marketing and advertising, urban planning, and digital medicine. Check how to win a hackathon and its main strategies for winning teams in the article below.

The meaning of Hackathon and its main tasks

Almost everyone has heard about hackathons today: if you work in IT, especially if your company is actively involved in open source projects. The format is being actively adopted by the education sector and even the public sector and is also conquering new business areas.

Hackathons originate from the field of IT. The first part of the word hack means “to hack,” and the second part comes from the word marathon – “marathon.” Modern hackathons are held on various issues: medical, educational, and even artistic. Focus on winning: read and re-read about all the prizes and choose one for your project. Talk to the mentors and ask them what they are really looking for in a hackathon.

The main tasks of Hackathon include:

  • developing interesting solutions for the development of the youth sphere;
  • getting innovative ideas for education, leisure, sports, or any other aspect of community life;
  • promoting the realization of the creative potential of young people;
  • inspiring youth to seek opportunities in their community.

Hackathons are quite effective in finding the right and priority software solutions. Such events can be attributed to joint professional creativity and self-expression using the most innovative and modern technological solutions. Behind such achievements as robotics, the creation of mobile applications, and websites, as a rule, there are marathons for hackers.

The main strategies of winning teams in Hackathon success

Hackathons bring together concerned citizens who develop ideas aimed at improving various aspects of public life. The purpose of such events is to draw society’s attention to urgent problems, encourage people to be proactive, provide them with thorough feedback on the viability of their ideas, and guide them in the right direction. To do this, mentors work with the participants – experienced experts from various fields who support the teams and give practical advice on project development.

Usually, a hackathon lasts 24 hours, includes non-stop coding, delicious food, a sleeping area, and entertainment. And also various workshops where participants are taught how to use the best Hackathon success strategies from winning teams, which are the following:

  • create a cool UI/UX;
  • present your technology to the audience;
  • find the target audience;
  • test your idea.

Hackathon is a launching pad for ideas that can ensure a more sustainable, fair, healthy, inclusive, and prosperous world. It’s a hackathon ecosystem for a better world through purposeful innovation and technology inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Even if “friendship” wins during your Hackathon, it is important not to lose the developed solutions and initiatives. Help the participants of the event to finalize their ideas and bring them to life because this is what you held the hackathon for.

Each hackathon participant pursues his own goal, and this is not always a win. Someone wants to find investors for their project; someone plans to create a startup. For some, it is vital to participate in the competition and catch the courage, while others are simply looking for new talents in their team. Among the advantages of participation is really not only prizes, but also much more.